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Ivy Blog

Category: Glioblastoma

Making a Difference on Glioblastoma Awareness Day 2024
Glioblastoma Awareness Day (GBM Day) is dedicated to increasing public awareness of glioblastoma brain cancer.
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What to Know about Brain Tumor Awareness Month 2024
Brain Tumor Awareness Month aims at bringing together the brain tumor community to help raise awareness and shine a light on a patient population that is often overlooked.
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What is an Awake Craniotomy?
Brain surgery performed while the patient is awake is called an awake craniotomy. This technique allows neurosurgeons to maneuver around eloquent areas of the brain while safely removing tumor tissue. Here are some of the most common questions asked by patients. 
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Glioblastoma Patient Defying the Odds Three Years After Diagnosis
Brain cancer survivor Dalton Riddle is defying the odds. He’s about to celebrate living three years with glioblastoma. For most, the average life expectancy after diagnosis is 12-15 months. Read his survivorship story and how he supports others facing a similar diagnosis.
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In Arizona, The Fight Against Brain Cancer is Personal
Even as someone whose resilient spirit had been the hallmark of their public image, Senator John McCain was sadly no match for glioblastoma. On the second anniversary of his passing, we honor McCain's legacy by continuing to push for increased awareness and support for research so others can have a fighting chance at this deadly disease.
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Glioblastoma Patient Story: UK Mother Finds Hope in Arizona at Ivy Brain Tumor Center
In December 2019, Louise Hulme, a mother of two living in the United Kingdom, was diagnosed with glioblastoma. Like many of us, Louise spent a majority of the following year in lockdown due to COVID-19; however, what Louise did with her time was something very unique.
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A 1,500-Mile Journey to Ivy Brain Tumor Center
Ryan Masales, a Canadian police officer, was diagnosed with an aggressive stage 4 brain tumor, known as glioblastoma. After exhausting all conventional treatments in Canada, Ryan and his wife, Estelize began seeking other options. It was through their research that they found the Ivy Brain Tumor Center and began their 1,500 mile journey from Canada to Arizona to enroll in a unique Ivy Phase 0 clinical trial.
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Westy’s Wish: An Open Letter from the Wife of NBA Hall of Famer, Paul Westphal
In honor of Brain Tumor Awareness Month, Cindy Westphal, wife of basketball Hall of Famer, Paul Westphal, recalls her husband's journey with glioblastoma and asks for your support of the Ivy Brain Tumor Center's mission to contribute to a cure for brain cancer within this decade.
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Re-Thinking Brain Tumor Drug Development
In this year's World Edition of The International Brain Tumour Alliance's Brain Tumour magazine, Dr. Nader Sanai explains the barriers faced by researchers when it comes to treating aggressive brain tumors and how the Ivy Center is tackling those challenges by re-thinking drug discovery with Phase 0 clinical trials.
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#BrainTumorTalk: Episode 2 Replay – Head for the Cure
Ivy Center Chief Operating Officer, Shwetal Mehta Ph.D., and Head for the Cure's executive director, Jenna Heilman teamed up on Instagram Live for the second episode in our #BrainTumorTalk series. Check out the replay here.
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